Monday, April 18, 2016

Message from Ute about Matthew and A-M Golden Bay Tango weekend

Hi All,

Less than two weeks to go for the Tango Weekend in Golden Bay with Anne-Maree and Matthew from April 29th to 1st of May. Exciting!
Here are some updates and more information for you - some of it you may already know:


Have a look at the attached flyer for a little more information about the workshops.
Reto is offering an introduction to tango on Friday night before the milonga. This is a great opportunity to take the first (and second :-)) steps. Tell all your friends who might be interested. Lets hope we can get more people infected and especially grow a few more leads!
Throughout the evening Matthew and Anne-Maree are happy to assist from time to time.
The first workshop on Saturday is open to all levels and essential if you would like to do workshop 2 or 3. These are aimed at dancers, who already have a bit of an understanding of tango. If you are not quite ready yet to participate - we are trialling to open the workshops for people just to watch for a reduced fee. 
You have the option of a nice rest on Saturday between the workshops and the evening. Waitapu springs will be open and you can enjoy their sauna, hot tub, deck chairs ... Let me know, if you are interested, because we might be able to rent the whole place just for us.

If you need a place to stay we highly recommend The Sans Souci Inn.
Reto and Vera are fabulous hosts and their place is the home of Golden Bay Tango. They have reduced their rates to $30 per person per night. And that includes a fabulous breakfast! Just mention the tango weekend when you book.

For the dinner on Saturday night please reserve a table directly with The Wholemeal Café: 03 525 9426.
It would be good to know if you would like to join the lunch on Sunday, but we can add you at the last minute in the morning as well. I will try and organize the usual "Tango special" of Quiche and Salad for ca. 12$ at The Wholemeal Café.

Fees range from $10 for each Milonga (no extra charge for the introductory class on Friday), $30 for individual workshops, $60 for the two Saturday workshops and the Milonga to $95 for the whole weekend. 
It will be possible to pay on the day. But to avoid me running around with lots of cash I would prefer if you could pay in advance into the following bank account:

U D Maurer

Make sure to include your name and “tango” with your payment.

Hope to see you,

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