Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Quique Miller and Fabian Rodriguez arriving....

Quique and Fabian arrive on Monday 25 March and they are here until 2 April.
 We have a week full of tango activities to suit any budget 
so you can all experience them!

Quique (pronounced key-kay) is a choreographer, dancer and  teacher from Buenos Aires.  You can check out his website here at He was the choreographer for the famous Piazzolla show and used to teach in La Marshall - one of Bs As well known milongas.  He also runs Casatango a B&B in Bs As. He has just spent two weeks in Sydney teaching and after his stint in Nelson he will head back to Brisbane to complete his teaching tour.

He will be accompanied by Fabian Rodriguez, tango singer. You can listen to some of Fabian's beautiful songs on his myspace page

Fabian and Quique were in Nelson last year and were an absolute hit. We all loved them and there were tears at the airport when they left.  Come and fall in love with them too by learning to dance from Quique or listening to Fabian on the Easter Saturday Night at Bar Berlin.

Private Lessons are $80 an hour with Quique. Call A-M  or email me to book in a private lesson 027 238 0568. Spaces fill fast of course.

Monday 25 March class will be taught by Quique - so pop in and join in the regular classes.  
This is a special treat for all of you.   The cost will be $20 for one class and $35 for two classes.
If you are a beginner and you have already paid in advance you just need to pay an extra $10 to make up the cost.

Wednesday night - he will be at Nelson Tango Studio Practica at the YMCA in Toi Toi St, Victory, from 8 pm $5.



$145 includes 6 workshops + Sat night milonga at Bar Berlin.

$130 includes 5 workshops + Sat night milonga at Bar Berlin

Individual classes are $30 each

Welcome milonga  - Easter Friday 
Masonic Hall, 107 Nile St, Nelson
7pm - 11pm
$10 on the door
Please bring a plate to share and let's all eat together and welcome Quique and Fabian.
DJ Quique

Saturday Topics:
W1 - 10.30am - 12pm - Technica Conductatores  (Leaders only, all levels)

W2 - 1pm - 2.30pm - Intro to Vals I (Tango waltz), Rhythm, Caminata with Variations, Displacements, Sequences  (int level) 

W3 - 3pm - 4.30pm - Planeos

Saturday Night Milonga at Bar Berlin
Fabian Rodriguez sings Tango
Bar Berlin, 7 Church Lane
7pm - midnight
$15 on the door or included in workshop package deal
Have dinner with Quique and pre-book your special Tapas Platter, $15 for two people
with Marlo on 021 898 125 

Sunday Topics:
W4 - 12pm - 1.30pm - Vals II, Giro in vals, sequences from giro

W5 - 2.30pm - 4pm - Secuencias Combinadas (Quique's favourite combined sequences)

Sunday Evening - FREE EVENING

Monday Topics:
W6 - Midday - 1.30pm - Followers Technique  (followers only, all levels)

W7 - 2pm - 3.30 - Clinica de Trabajo
An Argentine review of the week‘s work.

Monday Afternoon Farewell Party: 1 April
The Boathouse, Rocks Road
4pm - 8pm, FREE, bring a plate to share
DJ Lunatico Escoces

Payment can be made in cash at class or by Internet banking to the following account:

A Therkleson
11 5250 0186162 55

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