Tuesday, November 20, 2012

La Catedral Xmas Milonga and new Practilonga

Well I think it is safe to say that we are all pretty excited about the Xmas Milonga.  We have found a brilliant venue which we trialled last Friday night - and what a great night it was.  Thank you to all those who came and made it a vibrant and special evening.

So let's get ready for the Xmas Milonga.

La Catedral Milonga

                                       "With use of the Cabeceo"


3rd Friday of the month

Friday 21st December

Masonic Hall, 107 Nile St, Nelson 
6.30pm - 11pm

$25 paid by 17 December

Please pay in person to me at class or directly into the following bank account with your name and "XMAS".

A Therkleson
11 5250 0186162 55

dine and dance
fabulous floor, great sound system and fully catered dinner
cooked by Anne-Maree!
Your DJ this evening will be Neville from Wellington


Check out our facebook page to see who's coming!


Announcing the arrival of the Practilonga @ The Art Zone!
What is a Practilonga?

A Practilonga is a mix between a Practica and a Milonga!
In a relaxed and intimate art gallery/cafe setting, a mix of Traditional and Nuevo music will be played.  The music will be less complex than during a real Milonga. This allows for intensive practice.

Changing partners as well as the use of Cabeceo is encouraged, but it is also ok to stay with your partner a little longer, if you want to work on something more extensively. We ask you to not dance or practice wild moves, the focus is on social Tango in a close embrace  - the perfect environment to practice your floorcraft ;-)

Come straight from work on the first Friday of the month and kick off the weekend with a tango practice, a glass of vino and a small bite to eat.

I will be there to answer questions and help for the first hour, from 6pm - 7pm.  

From 7pm - 9pm the evening progresses more like a milonga.

1st Friday of the month, 6pm - 9pm.

The inauguration is on 7 December.

$10 to A-M on the door

The Art Zone, 26 Gloucester St

 and please support Pammie from The Art Zone 
by purchasing one of her reasonably priced
juices, tea, coffee and cheese platters.

Hope to see you all there!

Practilonga @ The Art Zone

Enjoy this vals by Fausto and Stephanie.

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