Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Yes the gorgeous boys from Argentina have safely landed and are teaching and performing in Wellington as I write this.  How exciting ;-)

Thank you all in advance for your support in bringing them here and here's the lineup again:

Friday night:
Baby Gs  Relaxed Meet and Greet Milonga
6.30 - 9pm (free)

Saturday workshops:
All workshops held at St John's Hall, Hardy St
11am - Leaders only
1.30pm - Caminata and Displacements
3.30pm - Sacadas and Giros

Saturday night:
Kush Milonga
Cafe del tango @Kush
Fabian Rodriguez singing live
Doors open at 8pm
$15 on the door if you have not purchased workshops

Sunday workshops:
12pm - Secuencias Combinadas I
2.30 - Secuencias Combinadas II

See you on the dance floor tangueros.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I am unable to make the workshops due to arrangements made before the workshops announced but I hope you all have a great weekend! Hope to see you all soon, Angela
