Monday, February 9, 2015

The next milonga

The long awaited return of the 3rd of the month milongas ... check out the new venue - Trafalgar St Hall, Opposite Trailways.

20 Feb - see you there!

Summer Tango in Nelson

4 weeks to go!

have you .... 
Booked flights?
Booked accommodation?
Told me you are coming?
Book a table at the Playhouse?

do you ...
Want to host someone?
Help set you the hall?
Want to make a cake for Sunday milonga?

Tango this week - 9 Feb

Monday Night Class
6.30 - 8pm
Old St John's

Giro Consolidation

This topic over the next few weeks will be "consolidation" of the great moves we learnt in Anabela and David's workshops.  It is really important that we don't forget all our hard week over the weekend!  For those of us who weren't in the workshops ;sat weekend - we will be covering all the exercises and the moves - so come along and learn something new and fun.  Tonight will be the giro.
A fun and informative 8 week course which will cover all the tango basics, musicality and connection will begin on Tuesday 10 February.  Please let all your non-dancing friends know and ask them to enrol with me for even numbers.
This is also the perfect course if you want to get back into tango but are feeling a little daunted by the prospect!

Tuesday evenings
10 Feb - 24 March
6.30pm - 7.30pm 
followed by 2 hours of practica so you can meet our welcoming tango scene
The Ballroom, Fairfield House
48 Van Diemen St, Nelson
$80 for 8 weeks!

Last week we ad a fantastic practica which focussed on followers technique after the really informative class with Anabela.  We need some more men to come along so we can practice our new ways for walking and echoing .... so come on leaders ... come along so we can all get better!