Friday, September 28, 2012

Golden Bay was a great success!

Hello everyone,

Thanks you to all those who came to the Golden Bay weekend.  What a fantastic time we had.  The workshops were a lot of fun, the milonga magical as ever.  Thanks to Reto and Vera for all their hard work in organising it and for offering us the BEST accommodation in Pohara!  If you didn't come over  - check out their place a the Sans Souci Inn - what a fun and environmentally proud place to stay.  Tango music playing a breakfast was the perfect way to start the day with freshly baked bread, Reto's coffee de lux,  delicious jams and great company.  Thanks to all those who travelled from afar - from Wellington to Reefton, Westport to Nelson and our friendly locals from Golden Bay who made us so welcome.  See you all next year for the Summer edition.   

Workshop  - Giro Bootcamp!
Relaxing at the Wholemeal Cafe as the Milonga begins 
Golden Bay meets Wellington, meets Nelson!

Yummy food at the Wholemeal Cafe

Our Reefton friends

New friends


Just a little reminder that class this Sunday will commence at 4pm - 5.30  at St John's Hall.  After that we have the Verdict Milonga where you are all welcome regardless of level to come along have a drink and/or a meal and soak up the tango atmosphere for a couple of hours.  Remember you can learn a lot by just watching ( special message for timid beginners!)

See you all at 4pm for a class on "boleos".

Have a great weekend


Friday, September 14, 2012

See you in Golden Bay!

See you all in Golden Bay tomorrow!

Have a safe trip over if you are coming from afar.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Other accommodation options for the Golden Bay Tango Weekend

Hi everyone,

A few people have asked me about other options for accommodation as the Sans Souci is full.  Vera sent me this message this morning:

"People who still need accommodation can contact the Nook backpackers in Clifton on 525 8501 or the Pohara Top 10 Holiday Park 525 9500 or Pohara Beachfront Motels 525 9660." 

Hope you manage to find something to suit! The Holiday Park is very cool right on the beach - it looks perfect for a tango dancer wanting to take an early morning walk along the the gorgeous Pohara beach. 

Alice from my beginners class in Nelson is looking for a ride on Sat morning sometime... anyone travelling from Nelson who has a spare seat please contact her on 022 038 8948.

Many thanks
And now a little something to make you weep.... such control....
The maestro Ricardo Barrios and Laura Melo

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

This weekend's festivities!

Well most of us are all set to go to Golden Bay... are you?  Have you booked?    I have heard that the accommodation is all booked out so I did a little bit of scouting around and found this website  - you could share lodgings with your friends in some very nice accommodation nearby and keep the price down as well!

Here is a link to other accommodation in Golden Bay

Please note that there is no Sunday Class in Nelson on the 16th September as I will be in Golden Bay of course!

Looking forward to seeing you in Golden Bay on Saturday... here's hoping for good weather for the drive over the big hill!

Here's a picc from the early evening of last years Wholemeal Milonga...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Fancy Dancing in Golden Bay 15-16 September?

Golden Bay Tango Weekend

Last year 40 tangueros gathered together from Golden Bay, Reefton, Westport, Nelson, Blenheim and Christchurch.

Once again we are heading over to beautiful Golden Bay for a weekend of dancing.  Please come and join us again!

3 workshops, a milonga, a quick tramp and a walk along the beach!  Reto and Vera have offered us very very responsible accommodation at $20 for bed and breakfast.  
Contact Reto and Vera to enrol for workshops and to book accommodation if you need a place to stay on

The workshops and milonga are in Takaka, the accommodation is in Pohara and the fun is in those two places!

Workshop details as follows:

Workshop #1
Connection, the embrace, walking, musicality - bringing it all together 
this workshop will focus your attention on balance, intention and arrival ... with musicality!
Saturday 12pm - 1.30pm
Takaka Primary School Hall
70 Wadsworth St, Takaka

Workshop #2

Unexpected and exciting changes of direction 
this workshop is designed to help leaders find new and exciting changes of direction with focus on disassociation, pivots and sacadas

Saturday 2.30-4pm
Takaka Primary School Hall

Wholemeal Milonga
Wholemeal Cafe
60 Commercial St, Takaka (the main Road!)
Saturday 7pm - 11pm
Dinner available from 6.30pm

Workshop #3
Nuevo Boleo combinations
different techniques explored to create and perform beautiful boleos
Sunday 11am - 12.30pm
Takaka Primary School Hall

Directly after workshop #3
12.30pm - 1pm
Stay for the guided practice and I will help you with any last minute adjustments.

Individual Workshop $25
Milonga $10
Practica free
Entire Package of 3 workshops + Milonga $75
We have kept the price as low as possible as we know many of you will be travelling from afar!

Please pay at the hall on Saturday to Reto and Vera.

All workshops build in complexity to cover various levels of dancing experience.

Please book with Reto or Vera
Ph (03)525 8663

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Monday night Improvers Class and Golden Bay Tango Weekend

Monday Night Improvers 3 Sept - 29 Oct
class continues as usual this Monday and will commence at 6pm - 7.15 at St John's Hall in Hardy St.

$100 for 8 weeks starting tomorrow night 3 September -  29th October ( No class on Labour Weekend)
or if you prefer you can pay $15 a class as a casual.

Golden Bay Tango Weekend is coming up in two weeks on 15 Sept so don't forget to book in!  There will be no class in Nelson that weekend.  Have a flick through August's posts to get all the info on the Golden Bay weekend.

See you on the dance floor soon tangueros.

Here is our favourite Cecilia NOT breaking the embrace for a whole song!